Safely Sawing Concrete – Home Efficiency Tips

It’s easy to slice concrete. It is very dangerous to cut concrete but you can accomplish it using just a few strokes with the right materials.

Make two cuts, then cut one. A guideline on your own, whether that’s an chalk line, spray paint or pencil, can give you the assurance that you’re cutting where you’re supposed to be. An chalk line is simpler to use as opposed to a cut made in rock.

The most important factor in cutting concrete like this is the ability to make sure that the cutting area is flooded with water. This is a multi-use tactic. The method keeps debris off the blade as well as the cutting pathway, which reduces friction between both materials and also keeps the concrete dust out of the air. Make sure you do not use excessive water, as we have talked about in the video. It is important to research the right amount of water you can use with your specific tool. If you do thislimit, you could cause damage beyond repair. Keep in mind that using water when you use motor tools can pose an electrocution risk, and it’s best to use an RFI outlet that can cut off the circuit in the event of a short.


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